Valentine's Update💖

💖Valentine's Update💖

UwU Will you be my Valentine?
🧮 Compatibility, 💔 Divorce, 📤 Give, 🤗 Hug, 😘 Kiss, 💍 Marry
❗ Genshin Impact Commands have a temporary disabled message! 😞
Feedback | Suggestions | Issue Reports are always welcome!!!

Valentine's Update💖

💖Valentine's Update💖

has been upgraded! Show some love in your servers with the Valentine themed commands

🧮 Compatibility

  • /valentine compatible - Calculate your compatibility with someone

💔 Divorce

  • /valentine divorce - Give love a new beginning by divorcing your partner

📤 Give

  • /valentine give - Give someone a valentine's card

🤗 Hug

  • /valentine hug - Give someone a big hug!

😘 Kiss

  • /valentine kiss - Give someone a smooch! UwU

💍 Marry

  • /valentine marry - Marry someone 💓

❗ Genshin Impact Commands

  • We are still working on updating our GI commands! We have add a temporary message that states that they are disabled at this time.

📅 Next Up

  • List/Remind commands
  • Badge-Achievement System
  • Profile Redesign!
Always more to come.
- Strx Devs